Martin Kuvandzhiev

Martin Kuvandzhiev is an Engineer, Innovator and Entrepreneur. He starts working as Software developer at age of 18 right after finishing high school. Martin is the Founder of GoStartups, CEO of Assetify and board member of Bitcoin Gold. His companies are oriented in fintech, healthcare and blockchain. Despite the fact that Martin runs 2 companies he still does development and is specialized in iOS development. Martin has plenty of experience in creating products from scratch and that is the reason why his topic of development is specifically for that – creating a great app architecture from the beginning.

What’s new with Blockchain in 2022

Day 4 -- March 11th 11:30-12:00 Main Stage Expert,Novice

Blockchain technology continues it’s vast growth and every single day new products gets release. In that session we will discuss what is the general direction of development of the technology and also will summarise the highlights from 2021 and 2022.